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5 Proven Ways to Fight the Aging Process

Written By Empress Of Pearl Powder
Sarah Anderson April 18, 2023

Classy lady in a black over the shoulder top displays an air of confidence highlights the ways to fight the aging process.

Struggling and striving not to get old is a battle for many. Just look at how much money goes into cosmetic industries, or people who diet to lose weight, or those who end up in the beauty shop day by day. And looking in the mirror constantly - certainly doesn't help.

You notice this line and that wrinkle, and then saggy jowls, and what the heck - a turkey neck. This should not be. What is happening to me?

Does this sound like you?

It doesn't have to be that way. There are ways you can battle aging without all the strife. So, just relax, read on, and follow these 5 steps to help you fight the aging process.

Step 1

Watch Your Tongue

There is power in the tongue. I hear many people, even in their 30's, 40's and 50's say, "I feel old," like their life is already over and done with. Don't you know that you will eat the fruits of those words. You will get what you say. You say you feel old, old you will be.

Tell me, what does old feel like? I'm not sure I know, even at the age of almost 74. You hear old people say, "I must be getting old - I'm tired all the time," or "I have so many aches and pains, it's because I'm getting old." NO, that's not the truth. I don't have any of those symptoms that tell me that lie.

I say, "I am young, I am healthy, I have a lot more years to live. I am vibrant, my mind is healthy, I have all my teeth, and I can still dance to a new tune. And my skin is still radiant and lovely." Those are the fruits I shall eat.

The most powerful words in the universe are the ones you say to yourself and about yourself.

Step 2

Control Your Thoughts

Your thoughts are immensely powerful - powerful beyond belief. What are you thinking about yourself? We all judge ourselves and are critical. If you think you're a failure, you'll feel like a failure. If you think you are old, you will feel like you're old and decrepit. Just one powerful thought will make you believe you're on your way out of here.

Quit thinking you are old, no matter your age. The way you think will shape your reality. You must make an effort to keep yourself in the right frame of mind and not let outside influences lead you astray. Once you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think that negative thought again.

You can think yourself into an old man or lady, or you can think yourself into being healthy, vibrant, and a beautiful, youthful human being. I think myself as healthy, strong, youthful and with a sound mind.

If you're a negative person, you'll have to force yourself to think optimistically. Fight those pessimistic thoughts with all your might, or they will take you down.

Roma Downey said it perfectly, "Your mind is like a garden, your thoughts are like seeds, you can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds." Think of your mind as a garden, you can either cultivate your mind or let it run wild.

Keep weeds out of your garden by planting seeds of healthy constructive, beneficial, favorable thoughts about you and your age with effort and consistency.

The level of effort you put into controlling your thoughts will define your age, no matter how old you really are. Controlling your thoughts can be a difficult thing to do, but I'm here to tell you, it Can be done. May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.

My final word for your thoughts - Be careful of what you think, or those thoughts could destroy your life. Don't use your mouth to tell lies on you.

Step 3

Exercise Daily

If funny, not ha ha funny, but funny like "yikes," that the older people get the more they believe that they don't need to exercise anymore because "What's the use." But elderly people MUST exercise if they don't want to wind up with a cane or wheelchair, and/or lose their balance all the time.

To keep your muscles from deflating and your heath from deteriorating, you need a good exercise regime. No, you don't have to go to the gym and work out for an hour, or do strenuous exercise, or stair climbing, sit ups, deep squats or standing toe touches, in fact, you really need to avoid that, but you do need moderate-intensity aerobic activity like brisk walking, hiking, cycling, swimming, dancing and taking nature walks.

Studies have found that even in people in their nineties living in nursing homes, starting an exercise routine can boost muscle strength. Exercise has a multitude of benefits for all ages, including a healthier heart, stronger bones and improved flexibility.

Step 4

Eat Healthy Food

I'm not a health nut by any means, but I do want to stay healthy, so I try to eat the right foods. I don't eat fast food, only well-balanced meals, like the days of old.

I do love me some spinach "I'm strong to the finish 'cause I eats me spinach," as Popeye said. Also, fresh steamed broccoli, brussel sprouts, asparagus, green beans, zucchini, green and red peppers are my favorite - and that combination makes one of the most delicious vegetable platters when it's covered with lemon butter cream sauce.

Since I was born many moon ago, everyone ate well balanced meals every night for dinner, and I still do.

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." This saying acknowledges the importance of healthy eating and how the nutrients in various foods have healing properties.

You can fight the aging process if you eat a well balanced diet everyday, and stay away from the fast food chains.

Step 5

Have A Good Skin Care Regime

This step is very important. You've heard it many times that taking care of your skin is important for your health and well-being. Only a good skin care regime will keep environmental stressors from invading your body. Your skin protects your body, so you should keep it as healthy as you can. This will keep from getting sick or damaging your bones, muscles, and internal organs.

If you take care of your skin, it will take care of you. That is why it is so important to have a well-thought-out skin care routine. It is absolutely worth your time and energy to take care of your protector on a daily basis.

There is no question about it, prevention is easier than fixing a major problem. Applying sunscreen, washing your face daily, exfoliating at least once a week, and using a good moisturizer or serum can help prevent invasive treatments in the future. Neglect can result in many major problems. Bad skin care choices can have lifelong consequences.

Selecting good, effective, high active skin care products will be your first line of defense for winning the battle on aging.


You Can fight the aging process effectively if you watch what you say, control your thoughts, exercise daily, eat well balanced meals, and have a good skin care regime. Yes, you Can win the aging battle and live to be a ripe old age happily, healthy, and productively.

If I can do it, you can too.

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