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2 Juice glasses and a smoothie with fruit galore will hopefully inspire you to scroll down and check these recipes out.

Juice And Smoothie Recipes

Life-Changing, Health-Enhancing,
Skin-Rejuvenating Drink Recipes

Juicing Guide Juicing Mistakes

This is not just another collection of juice and smoothie recipes! It has a secret ingredient that boosts, jump starts, and accelerates every vitamin, mineral, and nutritional value to bring about the highest production of body function and health.

Juice is an easy way to get a lot of nutrients into your body. Recent analysis of nutrient intakes of the U.S. population shows that a large percentage of people fall short of the daily requirements of many nutrients. Almost everyone falls short of vitamin D and vitamin E, and more than one-third fall short of the daily requirements for calcium, magnesium and vitamin A.

Juicing advocates claim that juicing is a good way to get an abundance of fruits and vegetables into your diet, but that's only partly true. While you can, literally, squeeze out many of the vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, you also lose needed fiber and antioxidants that adds to satisfy and help improve heart and digestive health.

Pearl powder is a complete protein and nutrient booster. One study found that supplementing pearl powder with mixed fruit and vegetable juice over 14 weeks improved participants' nutrient levels of vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, selenium, and folate. A review of 22 studies found that drinking juice made from fresh fruits and vegetables and blended with pearl protein powder improved folate and antioxidant levels, including beta carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E.

With pearl powder, you get all the daily requirements needed to stay healthy and vibrant because it is rich in health boosting nutrients. Pearl powder is also a rich source of hard-to-get nutrients like calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron, along with essential trace minerals such as strontium, copper, selenium, silicon, and titanium.

Listed below are juice recipes with simple ingredients for detoxifying, anti-inflammation, weight loss, beautifying the skin, health, anti aging, power packed with nutrition. You will love these juice and smoothie recipes. And don't forget your Pearl Powder.


Our Pearl Powder is 100% pure, High Quality, and can be be taken internally throughout a lifetime without side effects.

Add 1/4 tsp per serving to your drink ONCE a day for significant results.

Healthy Food Recipes Click Here
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Cancer Miracle Juice
Cancer Miracle Juice
Anti Aging Juice
Anti Aging Juice
Iced Pearl Powder Strawberry Banana Latte
Strawberry Banana Latte

Immune Booster
Immune Booster
Pearl Powder Liver Cleansing Juice
Liver Cleansing Juice
Stress Relief Juice
Stress Relief Juice

Anti Inflammatory Juice
Anti Inflammatory Juice
Weight Loss Cleansing Smoothie
Weight Loss Smoothie
Sickness & Disease Fighting Power Juice
Sickness Fighting Juice

How To Reap The Full Benefits Of Collagen Protein
How To Reap The Full Benefits Of Collagen Protein In Your Diet

Migraine Relief Juice
Migraine Relief Juice
Power Juice To Improve Memory
Memory Improvement
Pearl Blueberry Spinach Apple Juice
Perfect Green Juice

Blackberry Pearl Bliss Smoothie
Blackberry Smoothie
Amazing Smoothie For Rapid Weight Loss
Rapid Weight Loss
Yummy Carrot Juice For Hair Growth
Hair Growth Juice

Supreme Green Pearl Juice
Supreme Green Juice
Super Berry Pearl Juice
Super Berry Juice
Spinach Fennel Detox Juice
Detox Juice

Carrot Orange Juice
Carrot Orange Juice
Pineapple, Ginger, Mint Juice
Nutritious Super Juice
Morning Detox Juice
Morning Detox Juice

Avocado Banana Mint Smoothie
Nutritional & Delicious
Skin And Body Beautifying Juice
Beautifying Juice
Skin Loving Green Juice
Skin Loving Juice

Seawater Pearl Powder jar with shells and pearls surrounding
Seawater 1.oz $22.95
Seawater Pearl Powder Order Now Button
Freshwater Pearl Powder jar with shells and pearls surrounding
Freshwater 1.oz $22.95
Freshwater Pearl Powder Order Button

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