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Dealing With Life's Curveballs With Humor

Written By Empress Of Pearl Powder
Sarah Anderson July 27, 2024

A woman lit up with a smile, holding a cup and looking at her cell because she has dealt with all of life's curveballs and knows how to deal with them from hereon.

Just when you think you have everything worked out, everything is going great then - unexpectedly - life hits you with a curveball. It seems to come from nowhere, but there it is, you're shocked with something difficult to deal with.

You didn't see it coming, you were not prepared for it, and it was such a crisis it changed your life and threw you totally off balance. It put your mood in an upswing, you became confused, and totally disordered.

So how we can deal with these curveballs with humor. Read this blog to find out how.

Your Curveballs

Indeed, everyone is thrown curveballs in their life. No one goes unscathed. But how we deal with them is what matters. Surely at first, we may stumble and scream, and shake and cry, but the wonderful thing about it is, these obstacles shall pass, if we let them. You CAN rise above the hardships that try to knock you down.

How do I kow? I've been there many times in my life. I know the struggle. Losing loved ones at a very young age, living on my own at the age of 11 in this dark dreary world, facing heartbreak, upset, torment, oppression, and depression.

2 years ago I lost my baby brother, last year I lost my older brother, a nephew, a cat and a dog, and last but definitely not least, my precious, wonderful, adoring husband. Yes, I've been there, but I've learned that my attitude is the only thing that will keep my spirits up and out of the dungeon of despair.

Your curveballs may be worse, or maybe they are just difficult situations, regardless, the only thing that will defeat you - is You.

No, life is not easy right now, especially at this age, but one thing I can say is, it gets better every day. And yes, I am learning to face these curvballs with humor. And you can too.

Take Your Medicine

A merry heart is good like medicine - strong medicine. Everyday you must take your medicine. The power of laughter has long been recognized by both medical and spiritual experts.

A broken spirit produces ill health, high blood pressure, ulcers, lethargy, heart disease, feelings of discomfort, illness, and lack of well-being.

Mayo Clinic says, "Laughter can: Stimulate many organs. Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain.

A rollicking laugh fires up and then cools down your stress response. Laughter can help lessen your stress, depression and anxiety and may make you feel happier. It can also improve your self-esteem." And that's no joke.

I'm sure you have heard the phrase, "laugh and the world laughs with you." Learn to laugh at things around you, but not at the expense of others. Force yourself if you must, and watch your stress fade away. It will do your body good. A joyful, positive mindset is key to experiencing healthy relationships and a fulfilling life.

Surround yourself with people who make your heart merry, then return the favor. Go to a comedy club, watch silly YouTube videos of funny things animals do.

Turn the corners of your mouth up into a smile and give a laugh. Give your smile to others, they could very will be in the same situation as you, and that's just what they need.

Believe In Yourself

No matter your struggle, no matter your crisis, no matter your fears, believe in yourself. Believe in your inner strengths, in the beauty of life and the innate goodness and beauty of your spirit.

Believe that you have the strength and wisdom to face the challenges before you. Breathe deeply, meditate and pray, and trust that you will come out of your situation victoriously.

Turn The Corner

Get up, dust yourself off and keep moving forward. Embrace all that you truly are - a gift to the world that needs you.

We do not have 100% control over everything that happens in life, but we do have control over our attitude and how you deal with those curveballs. Because of your dire situations, your life has changed, but when you turn that corner you will see amazing things on the other side. For one, you will find peace and joy in your spirit.

Start Moving

No matter how you feel, get out there and do something, don't just sit there depressed and forlorn. Dance, sing, get a massage, run, take a hike, sign up for an exercise class, go to church and fellowship with others, write a blog, or invite your friends over for tea or coffee. This will calm your nervous system that has been overloaded by stress.

Trauma, panic, fear, terror, anger, frustration and depression all express sensations in the body. We can feel overheated, trapped, frozen, disconnected or completely lost. When we start moving, our mind veers off ourselves and our problems and puts it on the things before us.

Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Expecting to take care of yourself when life throws you a curveball is not strength - it’s weakness. Be willing to be vulnerable. We NEED one another. Be aware that you know your need help and brave enough to ask others for help. But be careful of who you ask.

Call a trusted friend. Talk to a Therapist or your pastor, or a christian counselor. Don't expect to get through this alone. We are all in this together. Life throws all of us curveballs. But we can do hard things with great love, as long as we know we’re not alone.

Choose Your Friends Wisely

Not everyone really wants to help you, but take advantage of your vulnerability. Choose your friends wisely. Bad company will destroy you all your efforts to be healed. And, make sure they are optimistic; that they have a good sense of humor, and will encourage you and lift you up, not put you down.


Whatever your struggle, no matter how big or small, I hope you find peace and joy with yourself, for yourself, and for those who love you. If you know anyone else who is struggling, be present for them, be a friend, be a listening ear with an open heart, encourage and lift them up, and brighten their day with good humor.

We do not have to be a victim. I choose to be a victor. I choose to live and love life. I choose to laugh. I hope you will as well. Never lose hope; you got this! Have faith in that.

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