Exfoliation plays a key part in any skin-care routine, as it eliminates dead skin cells, clears congested pores, polishes skin, and smooths out lines and wrinkles. Exfoliation leaves your skin brighter and more refreshed and youthful looking.
Benefits Of Exfoliating
1. Exfolation removes layers of dead skin cells which makes your skin look cleaner and clearer, and makes way for your creams and serums to penetrate deep within your skin cells.
2. Exfoliation stimulates cell regeneration, encouraging your skin to increase the speed of development of 'new fresh and shiny' skin cells - which means - your skin looks smoother, brighter, and glowing.
3. Exfoliation detoxifies while gently sloughing off accumulated wasted skin that can harbor or promote bacteria, inflammation, redness or blemishes. Exfoliation gives you lovely soft baby-like touchable skin.
4. Exfoliation increases elasticity and the production of collagen, resulting in soft, smooth, firmer and more radiant skin.
Dangers Of Abrasive Facial Scrubs
Are you the type of person that believes that if an exfoliate isn't abrasive it will do your skin no good. You think that you must use something harsh enough to remove those dead skin cells, to deep clean, and to make your skin shine?
Exfoliation is the secret to glowing skin - but if you're not doing it properly, it will do your skin more harm than good.
Did you know that the majority of face scrubs are too harsh and abrasive for skin.
The truth is, using rough, sharp face scrubs like beads, salt, sugar, fruit pits, and nut shells can lead to skin cell damage and premature aging. They all have jagged edges that cause mircro-tears that gradually weaken skin's barrier, making skin more prone to dry, flaky patches, redness, irritation, and signs of sensitivity.
This issue is made worse if the abrasive scrub also contains irritating fragrance, whether it’s natural or synthetic.
Although they are far and few between, you can use a gentle, fragrance-free facial scrub once or twice daily without worrying about damaging your skin.
Over Exfoliiation
Over-exfoliation is all too common and can lead to heightened irritation, redness, and long-term deterioration. While getting rid of skin impurities on a regular basis is good, doing it too much can aggrivate your skin.
Over-exfoliation can wreak havoc on your skin barrier and cause heightened irritation, redness, dehydrated skin, and long-term deterioration.
Exfoliating too much can cause chemical burns, and it could take anywhere from a few days to several months for your skin to get back on track.
If you've just exfoliated your skin, the most important thing you can do is moisturize right away. This can help strengthen the skin barrier from the damage and help it recover.
The rule of thumb is never to exfoliate more than once or twice a week.
Signs Of Over-Exfoliation
1. Irritation, burning, or flaking skin
2. Inflammation or redness
3. Tiny pustules, small bumps on the skin, or pimples that contain fluid or pus
4. Increased sensitivity to other products
The best way to avoid over-exfoliation is to use a gentle exfoliant.
Always remember, too much of anything isn't good for anyone.
The Best Face Exfoliate
While there are many exfoliates on the market, you certain want one that is gentle yet works effectively. Pulverized pearls work stupendously as an exfoliator to slough off dead skin cells by luxuriously polishing, conditioning, and brightening the skin.
Pearl Powder revives and renews your skin making it soft, smooth and younger looking. It is the most gentle and effective exfoliate on the market today.
This exfoliating powder buffs away rough skin leaving your skin soft and with a pearlescent glow. Pearl Powder is a key active that works wonders to stimulate collagen production and reduce signs of aging.
This beauty treasure is the most precious and rare exfoliate that has been used by ancient beauties for centuries around the world. Ground to ulta-nano particle size, it won't hurt your skin, no matter the condition.
And the good news is, it is 100% pure, sustainable, cruelty free without toxins or fragrance.
If you're ready to exfoliate your skin with this pulverized precious gem, click here for recipes that will restore your skin to the beauty you've been dreaming of.
Never exfoliate if you have open cuts or wounds or if your skin is sunburned.
Exfoliating is excellent for your skin. It has a mulitude of benefits. However, in order to get those benefits, you have to use the right exfoliate and know how to do it right.
Always remember, consistency is the Key. If you don't exfoliate regularly, once or twice a week, you cannot expect for it to work properly for you.