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How Food Impacts Our
Physical And Mental Health

Written By Empress Of Pearl Powder
Sarah Anderson June 23, 2023

Large platter of vegetables, fruit, nuts, salmon, avocado, olives and cheese showcase how the food we eat is directly linked to our physical and mental health.

The food we eat is directly linked to our physical and mental health. Research finds that a nutritious diet isn't just good for your body; it's great for the brain, too.

Simply put, what you eat directly effects the structure and function of your brain, your health and your mood. Our mind-set has mainly to do with the health of the body and specifically the digestive system. Bad eating and drinking habits negatively impact our thoughts and actions.

When the digestive organs are vitally taxed, it weakens your mental capacities. Eating a well balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, and plenty of Omega-3 fatty acids help promote feelings of well-being. On the contrary, poor eating habits leads to physical health problems, which affects how we feel and think. Proper nourishment is essential for our nervous system to work efficiently.

Psychiatrist Drew Ramsey, MD, an assistant clinical professor at Columbia University said, "the risk of depression increases about 80% when you compare teens with the lowest-quality diet, or what we call the Western diet, to those who eat a higher-quality, whole-foods diet. The risk of attention-deficit disorder (ADHD) doubles."

Many well-conducted studies have been published worldwide regarding a link between diet quality and common mental disorders - depression and anxiety - in both kids and adults.

What Foods Should Be In Your Diet?

The answer is - Real Food! Eating a well balanced diet that contains plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with fish, poultry, protein foods such as meat, nuts, milk products, eggs, and whole grains are part of a healthy balanced diet.


Ripe fruits enhance both mental and physical health, fruits like apples, bananas, grapefruit, watermelon, fresh berries, grapes, kiwifruit, apricots, oranges, pumpkin seeds, etc.

Fruits have a high content of nutrients that may reduce the risk of mood disorders. One study found that a high total intake of fruits and vegetables, and some of their specific subgroups including berries, citrus, and green leafy vegetables, may promote higher levels of optimism and self-efficacy, as well as reduce the level of psychological distress, ambiguity, and cancer fatalism, and protect against depressive symptoms. Another Study found that eating four extra portions of fruit a day can boost your mental health to such an extent that it can offset half the negative psychological impact of divorce and a quarter of the psychological damage of unemployment.

Therefore, the recommendation is to consume at least 5 portions of fruit a day to improve your mental health.

Seeds & Legumes

Seeds are truly the Miracle of nature! Sunflower are antioxidants! A handful of pumpkin seeds 2-3 times a week can improve prostate health. Watermelon seeds boost immunity, promote digestion, cell growth and maintain your nervous system.

Seeds: Cereals, maize, wheat, legumes, beans, peas, green grams, and lentils.

Legumes, contain about 24.2% proteins and should not be missed at any meal.


Vegetables have a host of vitamins and minerals.They also are filled with fiber that helps in digestion.

Recent studies found that those who consume more fresh vegetables reap both physical and mental benefits. A healthy diet includes a full range of vegetables.

Researchers narrowed down the top raw vegetables they found to be associated with better mental health and fewer symptoms of depression. These include carrots, dark leafy greens such as spinach, lettuce, and cucumber. They found significantly fewer symptoms of mental illness and overall feelings of positivity, satisfaction and fulfillment in those who consumed raw vegetables, compared to those who ate more canned, cooked, and otherwise processed produce.

So, try a variety of vegetables and select a few favorites. Then, incorporate them into your diet.


Nuts, contain lots of fats and energy. A recent study noted that people who consume more nuts later in life may improve their memory and brain health. Not only are nuts high in protein, but they're packed with fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals and they also help calm the nervous system.


Berries, blueberries and strawberries contain a substance called polyphenolics, which has been found to improve memory, concentration and attention span. Scientific research found that berries can prevent age-related neurodegenerative diseases and improve motor and cognitive functions.

Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are filled with Antioxidants. Antioxidants help in repairing cells, as well as combating inflammation caused by free radical damage. By reducing the damage caused by free radicals, antioxidants have also been found to help improve symptoms associated with anxiety and depression.


A true, healthy balanced diet is food that grandma cooked in the good ole days - Meat, potatoes and veggies, at all dinner settings. Grandma knew how to live a long, healthy life, by feeding her family meat, vegetables, potatoes, grains, milk, butter, cream, seafood, eggs, all in the best.

Meat is packed full of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in iron, zinc, magnesium. selenium, niacin, vitamins A, D, B6, B12, and fatty acids. These vitamins promote good vision, stronger bones, support the central nervous system, and promote overall mental health.

Red meat is rich in iron from hemoglobin, which is easily absorbed by the body as opposed to iron found in beans or leafy greens, which can also prevent anemia. Meats contain all the essential amino acids and is a top source of protein, while controlling blood sugar and improving cardiovascular function.

Oily fish

We all know that Fish is 'brain food'. Fish contains fatty acids known as DHA. DHA is an Omega-3 fatty acid, which help improve both short and long-term memory, contributing to optimal brain health. A diet high in Omega 3 fatty acids can help boost feelings of mental health and wellness and reduce levels of anxiety.

You will find DHA in oily fish such as salmon, sea bass, mackerel, trout, tuna, herring, sardines, oysters, and prawns. A healthy, balanced diet should include at least 2 portions of fish a week, including 1 of oily fish, because fish is a good sources of vitamins and minerals.

If you're not keen on seafood, use a fish oil supplement. Pearl Powder contains high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids, and should be included in your daily diet.


Overeating causes our minds to be clouded, forgetful, and irritable, and also makes us feel tired, sluggish or drowsy. These feelings can cause more overeating. Overeating affects your body in a variety of ways; it can lead to unwanted weight gain, and carrying excess weight can increase your cancer risk.

Eating too much food over works your organs. They secrete extra hormones and enzymes to break the food down. Consuming too much food can cause a cluster of conditions such as heartburn, promotes excess body fat, increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other illnesses.

Therefore, you should work to prevent overeating by reducing your portion sizes, eliminate processed foods, and orienting your diet around whole foods, and a good balanced diet.

Keeping our stomach healthy will keep our mind and body vigorous.

Avoid Fast Foods Like The Plaque

There are damaging agents in fast food that contribute to heart disease and many other ailments, and they are.

Sugar! Fast food contains a LOT of sugar which leads to weight gain and obesity. When barraged with sugar, we fall victim to the effects of dysregulated blood-sugar that causes mood highs and crashes, tantrums, brain fog, fatigue, bad skin, and eventually leads to insulin resistance, hormonal imbalances, adrenal fatigue, mood disorders, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Salt! Fast foods have a High Salt Content that increases blood pressure.

Saturated Fat! Fast Foods contain excessive Saturated Fat which raises cholesterol, and Cell-Damaging Oils. All these puts you at risk for heart problems.

Fast food also contains a plethora of chemicals, fillers, additives, and preservatives to improve taste, bulk up the product, and reduce spoilage. Additives like MSG are used to improve taste, and increase the desire for more of that food; horrifyingly, MSG is an addictive neurotoxin (a neurotoxin excites brain cells to the point of death).

Healthy oils are essential for brain health and development, and fast food is completely devoid of healthy fats.

Fast food is not really food in the true definition, it is filler. Fast food is highly inflammatory; It disrupts the immune system; It damages the digestive system. Fast food is addictive. Even fresh fast food has traveled great distances and has lost a massive amount of its nutritional value when it had very little in the first place.

If you want good physical and mental health, ditch the drive through!


Can taking supplements help reduce mental disorders? A diet rich in vitamins and minerals direct from whole fruits and vegetables, along with a natural supplement should be taken to help build up efficiency.

Pearl Powder Supplements relieve stress, soothe the nervous system, improve mood, and promote deeper sleep. One of it's greatest benefits has been shown to affect the mind and brain.

Chinese scientists found that the powder can improve children's IQ. Another study at China Medical University found that it makes one smarter and healthier.

Pearl Powder is also a rich source of hard-to-get nutrients like calcium, zinc, iron, and magnesium, along with essential trace minerals such as copper, strontium, silicon, copper, selenium, and titanium. Pearl Powder is complete protein, supplying all essential amino acids and a handful of more exotic ones including Aspartic Acid, Alanine, Thronine, Arginine, Serine, Phenylalanine, Lysine, Methionine, Leucine, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Leucine, Proline, Valine, Cystine,Tyrosine, Histidine, and the calming and relaxing sedative Taurine.

Add 1/4 tsp to Juice & smoothies, Iced latte's, coffee, tea, pudding yogurt, milk, or water once a day. Works best in cold food and beverages.


There are so many good foods and recipes to help you eat right, think right, and help give your mood an upswing. When you stick to a diet of nutrient-rich foods, you're setting yourself up for fewer mood swings and improved mental functioning.

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