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How To Exfoliate Your Body Properly

Written By Empress Of Pearl Powder
Sarah Anderson April 30, 2023

Woman lying on her stomach with a flower on her back relaxing after she just exfoliated her entire body.

We usually remember to exfoliate our face, but we should treat our bodies with the same loving care. Dermatologists and beauty specialist alike will tell you how amazing exfoliating is for your skin, and for good reason!

Exfoliators are fantastic at helping your body remove dead skin to improve skin texture, and color, and to reveal glowing skin underneath. Simply put, exfoliating helps keep your skin silky soft and smooth by buffing away and removing dead skin cells. It also helps skin care products absorb more readily into the skin.

The skin covering our entire body constantly sheds old skin cells. In fact, between 30,000 and 40,000 fall off every minuet! In one year a person sheds up to 9 lbs of skin cells.

What happens to those dead skin cells?

They shed off your body and land on your tables, TV, windowsills, picture frames, sofa, chairs, curtains, your entire home is consumed with dead human skin cells. Then your house fills with trillions of microscopic dust mites that eat your old dead skin. If a dust mite infestation is not treated properly, it can lead to wheezing, asthma attacks, and other health problems.

Those dust mites can also clog your pores and hair follicles and cause acne breakouts, especially for people who already acne prone. When this happens on your scalp, dry skin gets stuck in your hair follicles and can impact your hair growth which leads to thinning hair and hair loss.

Dust Mites Under A  Microscope.
Mites Under A Microscope - Get The Picture?

That's why It is important to not only exfoliate your face but your entire body.

If you want glowing skin from head to toe, read on to learn how to exfoliate your body properly.

What To Look For in a Body Scrub

Avoid all products that contain hard or gritty bits made from ground-up nutshells, sugar or anything abrasive. Sugar scrubs are way to harsh for your skin, they can create tears and lead to damage. They will do more harm than good. Plastic beads, rocks, and sea shells are also too harsh for your skin and can cause micro-abrasions that leave your skin unhappy.

Your exfoliant should have finely-ground particulates to ensure no sharp angles cut into your skin - exfoliating should never hurt or harm your skin.

What Is The Best Product For Exfoliating?

If you're looking for something natural to exfoliate with, you don't have to look any further. Pearl powder makes the most incredible exfoliate. The powder is ultra fine that gently buffs away rough skin cells to reveal healthy, glowing skin beneath.

Pearl Powder consists of a complex protein call conchionlin which stimulates the bodies natural collagen, promotes healthy collagen production, and protects against radicals that make skin age.

Collagen is a protein that is naturally found throughout the body, particularly in skin, bones, ligaments and tendons, teeth, and connective tissues. Pearl absorbs deep into the skin cells repairing, regenerating, and stimulating collagen and elastin synthesis, adding luminosity to the skin and repairing skin cells.

Pearl powder is the only thing you need to exfoliate that dry flaky skin off your body and face. No scrubs, no chemical peels, no microdermabrasion - just Empress Of Pearl's, pure, genuine, sustainable and, gentle Superpower Pearl Powder.

General Tips and Tricks

When you exfoliant any part of your body, be very gentle and take your time. Apply the product using small, circular motions with your fingers, and don't scrub or pull your skin. Massage no longer than 30 seconds, and avoid the delicate skin around your eyes and lips.

Be sure to apply your body scrub using clean hands, and exfoliate after wetting skin with warm water. This step makes sure your skin is clean, and the warm water softens the dead skin so that it can come off easily. Additionally, you don't want to exfoliate your skin too often, as this can lead to dry, cracked skin.

If you have sensitive skin or you are new to body exfoliation, stick to exfoliating once a week. If you feel like your skin up to it, boost that number up to two, and no more. If you start to notice that your skin feels tight and dry, knock that number back down to one.

Your biggest tip, always moisturize your skin after you exfoliate. When you remove this layer, your skin can become dry as a result, so don't forget to re-hydrate.

How To Scrub Your Arms and Legs

First, to make a Pearl Powder scrub, put 1-2 Tbsp pearl powder in a small bowl or cup and add water or milk to make a paste. You may also add coconut oil and oatmeal. After you wash your body, start with a dollop of the body scrub and work in medium-sized circles.

Consider the basic washcloth as your best friend when it comes to exfoliating your body. A rough washcloth provides a gentle experience and is a suitable alternative to your fingertips.

For your arms, work from your wrists all the way up to your armpits. For your legs, work from your thighs down, and don't forget to include your ankles, as a lot of dirt and dead skin accumulates there.

How To Scrub Your Torso

For your torso, you don't want to go lower than where your bladder is. It is not a good idea to put an exfoliant anywhere near your genitals. While there is skin there, it is completely different from every other type of skin on your body. You may also want to avoid the areola, as the skin there is also extremely sensitive. Other than that, you should stick to washing with warm water and apply with slow, gentle circles. Don't forget to scrub your back, chest, under the breasts, and any folds that like to hide dirt.

How To Scrub Your Hands and Feet

The skin on your hands and feet is a little different. Typically, this skin is much thicker than the rest of your body due to how much friction it experiences. Because the skin is thicker, achieving smooth skin is a little more difficult. Fortunately, you can apply more pressure on your hands and feet than you would on other parts of your body. You still want to follow the strategy of washing these areas with soap and warm water before working in small circles.

Don't forget to buff between your toes and fingers. Particulates can stick around, so be attentive and make sure you rinse everything off. If you have exceptionally dry and calloused hands and feet, you may exfoliate around three to four times a week. However, you should start with once a week and work your way up to this frequency.

The Benefits of A Body Scrub

You know that a body scrub is perfect for removing dirt and dead skin, but what exactly does that do for your body? Your skin has several layers of epithelial cells, with the top layer being your stratum corneum. That is where all of your dead skin lies.

While your skin will naturally eliminate those skin cells for you and reveal new ones, a process known as skin cell turnover, exfoliating helps speed up this process. By expediting the process, you help smooth your skin, reveal healthy skin cells, and make it easier for your other skincare products to penetrate deeper.

Exfoliating also stimulates blood flow and lymph drainage. The massage motion when exfoliating stimulates blood flow which in turn helps flush out toxins. The blood circulation minimizes the appearance of cellulite, improves skin elasticity and enhances your all over bodies glow and radiance.


Now that you know how to exfoliate your body properly, you're one step closer to obtaining gorgeous, Luminous skin from top to bottom! If you're ready for a new beauty best friend, Empress of Pearl also sells bulk pearl powder wholesale, the champion ingredient that will make you look and feel your very best.

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