When we came into this world, no one promised us a rose garden. The truth is, there is going to be trouble, distress and hardships stalking around every corner. So we need to know how to keep our grip over situations and emotions. Because the chaos in this world isn't getting any better, it's getting worse by the day.
You've heard the saying "Only the strong survive," haven't you? You will need perseverance on overcoming adversity, because it will come, and usually when you least expect it.
Around 800 million people worldwide have a mental health disorder, and it's on the rise. Most people cannot deal with the madness that's all around us. Deep-seated divisions between Americans have taken center stage in the last decade. Hurricanes, tornado's, earthquakes, disease, wars, and rumors of war, plus rising cost of food and merchandise has put a deep seeded fear into human hearts.
In short, the world is messier and more dangerous than ever before.
Read on to learn how to keep your sanity in the midst of all this Chaos.
What Is The Cause Of All This Chaos?
What is the real cause - The malice of men.
People are turning on one another, even their own families. Brothers are betraying their own brother and fathers their children. Children are rebelling and rising up against their parents and causing them deep distress. Hate has become the new pandemic, and anger has caused many to lose their sanity causing violence and mayhem throughout the world.
People are blaming others for their own mistakes, condemning and slandering them for what they themselves have done to protect their precious ego's. They do not hold themselves accountable.
People have become lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, heartless, without self-control, reckless, ungrateful, lovers of pleasure. Individuals are putting themselves above all the rest.
In addition, humans have no respect for authority, and have also lost their their sense of morality about what is right and ethical behavior. So, "everything goes, even their clothes". They are calling good bad and bad good.
People have become ticking time bombs. And this should not be.
How To Keep Our Sanity In The Mist Of This Chaos?
Relax folks. Yes, that's easier said then done, but the good news, it CAN be done, when you get a grip on yourself and quit going along with the crowd and following people with bad behaviors. Be a stand up person, one who is reliable, honest, keeps their promises, treats others with respect, and is willing to do the right thing even when it's difficult, and upholding high ethical standards and demonstrating strong character in all situations.
Here is some more advice:
1. Call your friends. Call a supportive family member.
2. Do one thing everday that makes you happy.
3. Remember, this too shall pass.
4. Stop arguing with your neighbors and people on social media.
5. Stop watching the news and all trashy television shows.
6. Imagine yourself in peaceful setting, like a warm sandy beach, a beautiful meadow, etc. Let yourself feel the peace, the soothing tranquil settings.
7 Give your problems to God and rehearse what He has promised in the bible.
8. Let it go. Everytime you have a negative thought, cast it down and give it to God.
Or just say no and change that thought.
9. Give yourself a spa day. Instead of worrying and letting your mind go wild, give yourself some tender loving care. Treat Yourself To A Spa Day At Home.
10. Seek professional help if need be. But don't let the chaos of this world make you go insane, and be just another stastic in this world of rage.
If you're unhappy, you'll make everyone else unhappy. If you're angry, you'll start an argument or fight. If you hate, hate will be cast right back at you. You will never keep your sanity or live long if you don't take control over your emotions, deal the adversities and grow by overcoming obstacles, especially in the chaotic world we live today.
Know this: "You Control Your Mind, or Your Mind Controls You" - Napoleon Hill.