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How To Repair Old-Lady Looking
Dry Wrinkled Hands

Written By Empress Of Pearl Powder
Sarah Anderson February 1, 2023

A cup of coffee and a saucer with peach flowing roses, with a hand about to lift the vessel with the saucer, just had an rejuvenating hand treatment.

Do your hands look like old-lady hands? You know, old, dry and wrinkled perhaps even cracked, with some age spots. Loss of smoothness and plumpness is a natural part of the aging proccess, but the good news is, you can have more youthful-looking hands by taking a few simple steps.

Most people stay abreast of things when it comes to taking care of their face, but often forget the part that shows our age first - our hands.

Why do our hands age?

As you age, your hands lose collagen, fat and elasticity and your skin loses volume. This loss of volume and elasticity produces translucent skin that wrinkles and develops age spots.

Hands are exposed to sun, wind, rain, environmental stessors just like our face, but we don't protect are hands as diligently with moistureizers and sun blockers.

You may not think your hands are in direct contact with the sun, but if you drive, ride a bike, go on walks, or have an office with bright windows, they are.

Steps to heal dry, wrinkled hands

This problem can be solved at home, so you don't have to spend a fortune on treatments. Anti-aging hand creams and a well-balanced diet are simple and effective preventative measures you can take to slow the aging process.

1. Skip antibacterial soaps. Wash your hands with a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser using warm water.

2. Apply enough cleanser to remove dirt and oil, avoid using so much that you see a thick lather.

3. Blot your skin gently dry with a towel, don't rub.

4. Inverst in a good lotion and slather on after drying your skin.

5. Use only gentle, eco-friendly fragrance-free skin care products.

6. Exfoliate your hands. When you exfoliate your face, do the same for your hands. And follow up with a good quality moisturizer.

This next one I haven't tried but I heard it makes you hands soft and when your done they look amazing.

7. Steam. Stand over a pot of boiling water and warm your hands like you would at a bonfire. Then quickly apply moisturizer.

To stimulate collagen production so skin is less translucent and to prevent age spots, use a Pearl Cream, such as Sarah's Pearl Cream, or Silk Peptide Pearl Cream.

To soften and repair your hands, here are 2 gentle hand healing and softening recipes you can easily make at home.

Hand Softening Scrub

This Scrub is the most effective way to make sure your hands stay silky soft; it has powerful skin softening and healing properties.


1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp pearl powder
1 teaspoon of almond or grapeseed oil

1. In a bowl, mix together olive oil, pearl powder and almond or grapeseed oil.

2. Put some of the mixture onto your hands then gently massage in circular motions.

3. Leave on for about 10 minuets, rinse with warm water and pat dry.

4. Finish with a hydrating moisturizing cream.

This Scrub will treat your hands and leave them hydrated, replenished, soft, silky, and beautiful.

This Is Also An Exellent Recipe For Aging Hands:

Anti-Aging Hand Mask

As we age, the skin on the backs of our hands can reveal significant signs of aging. This simple, all-natural mixture can be made at home in minutes and will leave your hands feeling softer and looking more youthful in no time.

1 Tbsp raw honey
1 Tbsp plain yogurt
1 tsp pearl powder

Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl. Apply the mixture to the back of your hands and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Wipe off gently using a warm washcloth. For best results, repeat one or two times a week.

Bid adieu to old lady wrinkled hands and hello to younger looking hands today.

Eco friendly icon with hand reaching out to catch water drops.

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