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How To Treat Gum Disease & Bone Loss Naturally

Written By Empress Of Pearl
Sarah Anderson January 12, 2025

Pretty blond haired young woman with a beautiful smile.

If you're experiencing receeding gums or bone loss around your teeth, you're not alone.Over half of American's experience some degree of gum recession. And, American's above the age of 30 have over a whopping 47% chance of periodontal disease, according to the CDC.

Gum recession is caused by factors like periodontal disease, premature wear and tear, teeth grinding and clenching, dry mouth, and even trauma.

In advanced stages of periodontal disease (also known as Periodontitis), significant bone loss can occur. When that happpens teeth become loose or fall out.

In this blog you will learn how to restore your receeding gums and bone loss naturally.

What Are Receeding Gums?

Receding gums are when your gum tissue pulls up and away from your teeth, exposing the roots and often the nerves underneath to bacteria and injury. It also leaves gaps between the teeth and gums which bacteria can easily thrive in. Gums receed gradually, the first sign of gum recession is tooth sensitivity, so, watch out for this symptom.

What Is Peridontal Disease?

Periodontal disease, a form of gum disease, is a bacterial infection that affects the gums and tissues that support teeth. The bacteria in your mouth will gradually eat away at your underlying jawbone that connects the tooth to the bone. It's the most common dental disease in the world, affecting up to 90% of the global population.

Symptoms include bleeding gums, loose teeth, reddish or purplish gums, bad breath, pain when chewing, painful abscesses.

For periodontal disease the treatment requires professionally cleaning the pockets around teeth to prevent damage to surrounding bone. Advanced cases may require surgery which include: Flap surgury, Bone grafting, lazer gum surgery.

During surgery, a dentist will use sterile instruments to make incisions and lift the gums away from the teeth. They will then clean the roots, remove plaque and tartar, and perform other procedures.The gums are then stitched back into place.

Thankfully, there is a remedy to restore your receding gums and bone loss naturally without undergoing all the pain and costly proceedures.

Can You Restore Your Gums And Bone Loss Naturally?

Yes you can. The first line of defense it to keep your gums healthy.

Brush and floss your teeth twice daily to keep gum recession and bone loss at bay.

Unfortunately, brushing a flossing won't do the trick by itself. You need to restore those gums and tighten up the bones around your teeth.

Your teeth need minerals to prevent gum disease and bone loss. You would have to eat a host of fruits, veggies and fish daily to get the mineral content your teeth need in your body. So you might want to consider a supplement that can keep your gums healty and the bones around your teeth strong.

Minerals Help Restore Gums And Bone Loss

Minerals are great for your teeth because your enamel structure is made out of minerals. The same is true for your alveolar bones (the bones around your teeth); like any other bone in your body, they needs plenty of minerals.

The minerals teeth contain include: calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, magnesium phosphate, trace minerals, vitaman A, C, D & K, and Potassium. These are the minerals that restore receeding gums and bone loss. And the good news is, pearl powder contains them all.

Pearl Powder is fabulous for your oral health as well as your overall health. Pearl powder is rich in calcium and other minerals that are essential for strong teeth and bones. Pearl powder also supports strong bones and helps bone mineralization. Pearl is renown for restoring receding gums and bone loss.

Pearl Powder has strong anti-inflammatory properties and anti-bacterial properties that are essential for gum health because inflammation is a chief characteristic of gum disease that causes gum pockets and recession.

Gum disease is caused by both inflammation and bacteria:

The anti-bacterial properties in pearl powder kills or inhibits the growth of bacteria that causes gum disease, reduces inflammation, and prevents further damage to the gums.

The anti-inflamatory properties help to reduce the swelling and irritation caused by gum inflammation, allowing the gums to heal and prevent further damage to the gum tissue.


There is two important minerals are essential for peridontal health. Calcium And Magnesium. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. About 99% of the calcium in the body is found in bones and teeth. Calcium is a mineral that your body needs for healthy teeth, gum tissue, and bone density. Pearl Powder is rich in calcium, which strengthens teeth and helps in gum restoration.

Calcium deficiency can increase the risk of periodontal disease, or gum disease. Studies have shown that people who don't get enough calcium are more than 50% more likely to develop gum disease than those who do.

In addition, low calcium intake has been associated with a greater risk of alveolar bone loss related with periodontitis.


Magnesium is important for gum health and is a building block for strong bones. It's vital for maintaining bone density, including the bones which support the teeth.

Researchers have found that even a minor ongoing deficiency of magnesium can lead to a significant amount of bone loss.

Magnesium has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps reduce gum inflammation and prevents gum disease.

Improve Your Oral Health With Pearl Powder

Pearl Powder use in dental care dates back centuries, offers an holistic approach to remineralizng If you're experiencing receding gums or bone loss around your teeth, you're not alone.Over half of American's experience some degree of gum recession. And, American's above the age of 30 have over a whopping 47% chance of periodontal disease, according to the CDC.

Gum recession is caused by factors like periodontal disease, premature wear and tear, teeth grinding and clenching, dry mouth, and even trauma.

In advanced stages of periodontal disease (also known as Periodontitis), significant bone loss can occur. When that happens teeth become loose or fall out.

In this blog you will learn how to restore your receding gums and bone loss naturally.

What Are Receding Gums?

Receding gums are when your gum tissue pulls up and away from your teeth, exposing the roots and often the nerves underneath to bacteria and injury. It also leaves gaps between the teeth and gums which bacteria can easily thrive in. Gums receed gradually, the first sign of gum recession is tooth sensitivity, so, watch out for this symptom.

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease, a form of gum disease, is a bacterial infection that affects the gums and tissues that support teeth. The bacteria in your mouth will gradually eat away at your underlying jawbone that connects the tooth to the bone. It's the most common dental disease in the world, affecting up to 90% of the global population.

Symptoms include bleeding gums, loose teeth, reddish or purplish gums, bad breath, pain when chewing, painful abscesses.

For periodontal disease the treatment requires professionally cleaning the pockets around teeth to prevent damage to surrounding bone. Advanced cases may require surgery which include: Flap surgery, Bone grafting, laser gum surgery.

During surgery, a dentist will use sterile instruments to make incisions and lift the gums away from the teeth. They will then clean the roots, remove plaque and tartar, and perform other procedures.The gums are then stitched back into place.

Thankfully, there is a remedy to restore your receding gums and bone loss naturally without undergoing all the pain and costly procedures.

Can You Restore Your Gums And Bone Loss Naturally?

Yes you can. The first line of defense it to keep your gums healthy.

Brush and floss your teeth twice daily to keep gum recession and bone loss at bay.

Unfortunately, brushing and flossing won't do the trick by itself. You need to restore those gums and tighten up the bones around your teeth.

Your teeth need minerals to prevent gum disease and bone loss. You would have to eat a host of fruits, veggies and fish daily to get the mineral content your teeth need in your body. So you might want to consider a supplement that can keep your gums healthy and the bones around your teeth strong.

Minerals Help Restore Gums And Bone Loss

Minerals are great for your teeth because your enamel structure is made out of minerals. The same is true for your alveolar bones (the bones around your teeth); like any other bone in your body, they needs plenty of minerals.

The minerals teeth contain include: calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, magnesium phosphate, trace minerals, vitamin A, C, D & K, and Potassium. These are the minerals that restore receding gums and bone loss. And the good news is, pearl powder contains them all.

Pearl Powder is fabulous for your oral health as well as your overall health. Pearl powder is rich in calcium and other minerals that are essential for strong teeth and bones. Pearl powder also supports strong bones and helps bone mineralization. Pearl is renown for restoring receding gums and bone loss.

Pearl Powder has strong anti-inflammatory properties and anti-bacterial properties that are essential for gum health because inflammation is a chief characteristic of gum disease that causes gum pockets and recession.

Gum disease is caused by both inflammation and bacteria:

The anti-bacterial properties in pearl powder kills or inhibits the growth of bacteria that causes gum disease, reduces inflammation, and prevents further damage to the gums.

The anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce the swelling and irritation caused by gum inflammation, allowing the gums to heal and prevent further damage to the gum tissue.


There is two important minerals are essential for periodontal health. Calcium And Magnesium. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. About 99% of the calcium in the body is found in bones and teeth. Calcium is a mineral that your body needs for healthy teeth, gum tissue, and bone density. Pearl Powder is rich in calcium, which strengthens teeth and helps in gum restoration.

Calcium deficiency can increase the risk of periodontal disease, or gum disease. Studies have shown that people who don't get enough calcium are more than 50% more likely to develop gum disease than those who do.

In addition, low calcium intake has been associated with a greater risk of alveolar bone loss related with periodontitis.


Magnesium is important for gum health and is a building block for strong bones. It's vital for maintaining bone density, including the bones which support the teeth.

Researchers have found that even a minor ongoing deficiency of magnesium can lead to a significant amount of bone loss.

Magnesium has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps reduce gum inflammation and prevents gum disease.

Improve Your Oral Health With Pearl Powder

Pearl Powder use in dental care dates back centuries, offers an holistic approach to remineralizing the gums, alveolar bones, and overall oral health.

In the past, because of the preciousness of pearl and the difficulty to process it, only the Ancient Chinese Royalties, the wealthy and powerful people had access to pearl powder for better dental health.

Fortunately, we don't have to spend a fortune to have stronger teeth and healthier gums like the ancient Chinese royalties. Thousands of people have already been enhancing their oral health, thanks to Pearl Powder.

How to Use Pearl Powder for Restoring Gums And Bone Loss

In the morning, put your favorite toothpaste on your toothbrush, then sprinkle pearl powder over your toothpaste or dip your toothpaste into the powder. Or, you can eliminate toothpaste all together and put a wet tooth brush into a small bowl of powder.

Make sure you get enough pearl powder on the gums and teeth that need treating. And brush those area's to the count of five.

Now you can brush your way to healthier, stronger teeth and gum regrowth. And I myself can testify to this truth. What it has done for my gums and bone loss is AMAZING. My dentist was even Amazed.


Gum recession is a serious issue, and fast intervention is crucial when you notice it. It's better to start before that happens, but if it already has, it's not too late. You don't want to risk the painful inflammations and the lose of teeth.

Treat your teeth, gums and bones with pearl powder and restore that healthy smile.

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Empress Of Pearl Powder

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