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How To Unlock The Secret
To Youthful Radiant Skin

Written By Empress Of Pearl Powder
Sarah Anderson Oct 13, 2024

An elegant red rose with loose pearls and pearl powder to top it off

Growing older gracefully is sweet, but who wants wrinkles, especially in their early 30s and 40s? As the phrase goes, “Wrinkles will only go where the smile has been,” to experience this phrase, one should include pearl powder in their skin care regimen for wrinkle and acne-free skin.

How Does Pearl Powder Work For Wrinkles?

Pearl Powder is a medicinal product, used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The nacre contained in pearl powder helps the regeneration of fibroblasts and osteoblasts, which are essential to the formation of new skin and collagen cells, which keeps skin supple, tight, and reduces sagging, wrinkles, and sun damage. In addition,Pearl Powder improves hydration, speed up cell metabolism, increases circulation and repairs damaged cells.

However, Pearl Powder is more than just an ancient beauty secret revered by Noble Royalties around the world. It has a host of benefits for the hair, skin, nails and bones.

How To Use Pearl Powder For Radiant Youthful Skin?

There are many different ways on how to use pearl powder on your skin.

1. Facial

This is my favorite. When you give yourself a pearl powder facial, all it's delicious vitamins and minerals penetrate deep within your epidermis, delivering nutrients, while enhancing moisture and removing dead skin cells. It draw toxins and impurities from the skin and leaves skin radiant and clear.

Pearl Powder gently polishes the skin, unclogs pores, fades acne scaring, evens skin tone, promotes collagen production, and improves skin elasticity.

You can use mix it with a little water, milk, or add it to frothy egg whites, pureed pineapple, Aloe Vera gel, yogurt, mashed banana, or a host of other essential ingredients.

A variety of Pearl Powder Facial Recipes.

2. Bathing

Cleopatra, queen of Egypt from 51 to 30 BC, was famous for bathing in pearl powder, milk (goats milk) and honey to keep her skin looking ravishing and radiant. For centuries people have been admiring her beauty. She owed her impeccable skin to Pearl Powder.

Cleopatra's Bath Recipe:

This milk bath nourished Cleopatra's skin deep from within. It will do the same for you.

The key is to use full-fat milk, cream, (or powdered milk), pure honey and pearl powder. Full-fat milk and pearl powder will not only exfoliate the skin, but will also moisturize. Pour 1-2 cups of milk (or 1/2 c. full-fat powdered milk), 1/2 tsp pure finely milled pearl powder, and 1/2 c. honey under running, warm water. Swish around to mix, and hop in. Soak and relax. This bath is fit for a Queen.

3. Spa Treatments

Pearl Powder Spa Treatments slow the aging process, reduce wrinkles and pores, softens hands and skin around the elbows and knees, and leaves skin with an pearlescent glow.

Pearl Powder contains 38% Calcium, 56% Protein,18 amino acids, 9 kinds of protein amino acids, Vitamins A, B6, B12, C,D, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Antioxidants, and Potassium and other micro-elements. All these nutrients absorb into the deepest part of the epidermis, healing, treating and leaves your skin sensuously soft and energized.

You can use it as a bath scrub, bath soak, massage, foot mask and foot soak, hand softening and hand scrub.

More Spa Bath and Spa Recipes.

4. Cosmetics

Consumers around the world are adding pearl powder to their cosmetics. It mixes deliciously with creams, lotions, oils, and toners. It's a wonderful way to make a top-notch anti aging beauty product.

Go here to lean how you can incorporate pearl powder into your own products. https://agedefying-secrets.com/how-to-use-pearl-powder-in-skin-care.htm

Or you can purchase already formulated, luxurious pearl powder creams and serums here.

5. Consuming Pearl Powder

Chinese Royalty and their families have consumed pearls for radiant health, beauty, longevity and peace. One of Cleopatra's beauty secrets was adding pearl powder to her evening drink. Our Pearl Powder is Food/Cosmetic grade, so you can add it to milk, coffee, tea, yogurt, juice and smoothies, etc. It has not been known to have any side effects. In the 20 sum years I have been selling pearl powder, I have not had one complaint.


Next time you want to try a unique ingredient in your beauty routine, look no further than Empress of Pearl's Superpower Pearl Powder. You'll get everything and more from any of the products we offer, especially the timeless and amazing pearl powder.

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