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Secrets Of Those Who
Have Tapped Into Longevity

Written By Empress Of Pearl Powder
Sarah Anderson January 30, 2024

Grandma and granddaughter drinking tea and laughing together, because grandma knows the secret to longevity and is revealing her secret.

If you want to know how people live to be 120, you will want to know their lifestyle practices.

People who have lived long are not on diets, they're not on exercise programs, they don't take supplements, they don't pursue health. They live naturally the way God intended.

Genetics account for 20% of longevity but 80% comes down to lifestyle choices. People who live extraordinarily long lives, their goal is not just to survive, but to enjoy life, and have a healthy brain and body well into old age.

Below you'll find out what people who have exeeding longevity have said on how they lived so long.


Nourishment is usually a normal passage to keep us healthy. We usually know what our bodies need. But in today's world and expecially America, everyone has overthrown good eating habits in pursuit of comforting themselves with an overload of foods that are not healthy, ones that can take us to an early death bed. This is typically because of lack of self control.

But, maintaining a well balanced diet is crucial to living a long life. People who tapped into longevity ate food that provided nutrients for their overall health. Their body is nourished from a balance diet.

This means they eat wide variety of foods in the right proportions, and consum the right amount of food and drink. Meat, potatoes, rice, bread, pasta, fruits, vegetables, eggs, fish, milk and dairy foods helped them live a long duration of life.

One man at 120 years of age said the key to his longevity were herbs. He didn't say which herbs, but here are a few that provide nurtients for longevity; garlic, rosemary, turmeric, fennel, cilantro, ginger, ginseng, spirulina, and pearl powder all slow down the aging process.

Those who have embraced longevity eat meat, but pork should only be eaten 5 times per month. Australian study finds eating MEAT correlates to a longer life expectancy. Researchers also found that countries with a greater meat intake also have greater life expectancy.

Meat is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals, including iron, zinc and B vitamins. It's also one of the main sources of vitamin B12.

Those who live exceedingly long lives do not eat processed meats. Processed meats are those that have been preserved by salting, curing, fermentation, smoking or adding chemical preservatives, and other processes to enhance flavor. These include hot dogs, deli meats, bacon, ham, sausages, corned beef and beef jerky.

Plant based foods are also essential: beans, wholegrains, seasonal fruits and vegetables. These are the cornerstone of all who have lived a long life. Nuts are also a common food eaten. These have essential nutrients for those who have lived well into a ripe old age.

They do not eat fast food or junk food or deep fried foods.They eat fresh, home-cooked food. Home-cooked meals can keep your heart healthy and help you live longer.

Long-lived people also do not overeat, they stop eating before they are full.

You can reduce your risk of an early death by eating well balanced meals, like those who have live to the age of 100 and beyond.

In regards to sweet treats! The oldest man in the world had a fondness for sweet treats, even after he lost his teeth. Despite that, he never found any difficulty finding sweet treats to enjoy. It was clear that he savored the simpler things in life.

He didn't deprive himself of sweet treats, and neither should you. It's okay to have an occasional tasty treat, in small amounts, but they should not be part of your regular diet.

They Embrace A Morning Cup Of Coffee

Those who have lived a long life enjoy their morning brew. However, they don't fill their cup to the brim with sweet cream lattes or tons of sugar. Instead, they choose a substitute and natural sweetener, along with a splash of milk in their cup of joe.

Strong Social Connections

The world's longest lived people have social networks that support healthy behaviors. Studies show that smoking, obesity, happiness, and even loneliness are contagious. So the social connections of long-lived people have favorably shaped their health behaviors.

Those who have strong connections to friends and family, have a sense of purpose and a positive outlook on life. Long-lived people put their loved ones first, and commit to a life-time partner, which can add up to 3 years of life expectancy.

Numurious studies have shown that people with great relationships enjoy more happiness, better health, and longer lives. People with stronger social bonds have a 50% increased likelihood of survival than those who have fewer social connections. Social connection can also help prevent serious illness and outcomes.

According to the Harvard Study of Adult Development, Dr. Rowe tells the medical students he teaches that one of the best indicators of how well an elderly patient will be faring in six months is to ask him “how many friends or family he’s seen in the last week.”


Those who have lived a long life, move throughout the day. Even those who take a short stroll, or clean the kitchen, are less likely to die prematurely, than those who never leave their chairs. Moving, even an hour a day reduces mortality risks.

Those who have lived to a ripe old age, exercise, travel, drive, work, dance and enjoy life as they have for decades. They spend time outside gardening, farming or socializing with other people in their communities.

Many studies show links between activity and longevity, movement is almost always tied to longer life spans.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep plays a key roll in longevity. Research has found that the amount of sleep a person gets each night corresponds with their risk of death from any cause, and that getting good quality sleep can add several years to your life.

Getting a good night’s sleep is a lifestyle factor that can affect how long we live.

Strong sleep patterns are one hallmark of people who achieve exceptional longevity, living well into their 100's and beyond with good health and strong quality of life.

Poor sleep habits undermine health and longevity.


A man who was one of longest living person who ever lived, summed up the key to his living so long when he said, "The key to longevity is patience". When you think about it, it may be the king key.

Patience isn't just a virtue; it's also the key component to longevity. Patience fosters peace of mind and happiness, and if you are happy and content with your life, you will live longer. You won't stress or become anxious, you'll remain calm during tense situations, and you won't become frustrated or agitated over every trifling thing.

You see, the absence of patience brings anxiety, illness, injury, and loneliness - and even death. Let's face it, impatience is the greatest disease on planet earth. Research has shown that people who rate higher on patience have lower overall stress levels and less physical illness connected to stress.

If you want to live to be as fine as aged wine, practice patience, for it truly is a life-saver.

And it's not only you who needs patience, your family and friends need patience too, or they can cut your life short.


Take it from those who have lived to a ripe old age of 100 and beyond. Those who reap the benefits of longevity - They eat. They move. They enjoy. They socially engage with their community. They live.

When it comes to your health, take a step back. Learn from the people in the world who have mastered longevity.

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