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The Anti Aging Effects Of Rest And Relaxation

Written By Empress Of Pearl Powder
Sarah Anderson August 27, 2023

Lady sitting on a blanket on a plot of green grass, leaning back and reading a book, with plates of fruit beside her enjoying her rest and relaxation time.

We live in an exceedingly busy world. Our pace of life is frenzied, our minds are always busy, and we're always doing something, never taking the time out to rest and relax. We keep rushing from one thing to another and never taking the opportunity to refresh, to think, to hope, to dream.

If you're constantly running from one thing to the next, caught in a whirlwind of busyness, you are aging yourself faster, Dr. Diaz says. "Stress hormones cause your blood vessels to constrict, and chronic stress increases your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. It can also cause or exacerbate mental health problems," she explains.

Busyness can sap us of energy and restfulness, and age us quickly. But we're not merely busy. We're also hopelessly distracted. We compromise our family time. We work harder, make more money, travel all over the world, buy nice things and gadgets, play more golf, spend more time in the gym, fishing with our buddies, riding dirt bikes, and take risky adventures in pursuit of rush of thrills.

Busy, Busy, Busy.

While some people are genuinely busy and occupied with quite a number of things, rest is an important part of our lives.

Being crazy busy has a lot of effects on our lives. If you're not fresh, flourishing, doing things from the place of rest, this means you're:

• Getting really stressed and burnt out.

• Distracted from living the life you were created to live.

• Trying so hard to live up to something or prove that you're good enough or deserving of something.

Busyness Is A Thief

Busyness robs us of our peace and ruins our joy. Your seemingly harmless busy habits may be sending your health into "old age" mode quicker than you realize! Going overboard on anything is going to negatively impact your health and age you faster.

Too much busyness puts you at risk for a host of diseases and health conditions. Being too busy poses dangers for our bodies, relationships, and lifestyles.

Johns Hopkins researchers have dubbed today's culture "the cult of busy". We pack our schedules with activities from dawn to dusk, either trying to feel more successful, or to run and hide from the overwhelming feelings of stress within us.

Relationships Suffer From Over-Busyness:

The busier we are, the more our relationships suffer. Too many activities and overwork, we become over-tired, and lack the time to share special moments with loved ones. We lose sight of what's really important, our families, our homes, our lives together.

We aren't present even when we are physically present. Being busy takes emotional energy, physical energy, or both. It becomes easy to lose your spark in relationships at home.

I've seen it all to often, the husband who goes about his life over-working, or constantly pursuing his own pleasures in life, look at least 10 years older than they actually are.

Being too busy prevents us from having a happy life. Not being present means we miss life's most precious moments. Taking on too much means we make sacrifices, like our own health or our family's happiness.

Learn to take time off work and activities to rest, recoup, pray, study, read books and refresh your mind.

In this busy world full of greed and selfishness - this 'Me First' environment in which we live that instantly gratifies our own needs, we fail to see the beauty of nature and all that is around us in our homes, and in the simpler things in life, thus it's easy to become overwhelmed.

Take a deep look into yourself and see why you are living such a busy life.

Our pursuit of happiness should never place wealth and physical things and activities ahead of forging meaningful, long-lasting relationships with our families, and our partners.

Real fulfillment comes from within. Real fulfillment requires strength, courage, and self-awareness.There's simply no reason to allow busyness to dominate your life and age you ahead of schedule.

Slow down, breath, smell the roses. Relieve yourself from your stress and tension and rest and relax by giving yourself a spa day in the comfort of your own home, the one you worked so hard for to enjoy.


Taking moments to pause, reflect, and appreciate what you have now will go a long way to creating a place in your life for happiness to flower. Then the stress lines on your face will smooth and your health will renew. Take steps every day to minimize stress, relax, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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