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The Secret On How To
Age Boldly And Fearlessly

Written By Empress Of Pearl Powder
Sarah Anderson March 24, 2023

Seniors sitting at a table drinking coffee, laughing and enjoying life, while looking at a cell phone, happily living their life in the now.

Growing old is denied to many, but for those who have made it though those hard, painstaking younger years there is a fear that denies us of the peace and happiness we truly deserve when we rise to our golden years.

The passage of time is inevitable, but it cannot be ignored or diverted. It must be respected for the invincible power that it is, the relentless power that sneers at us all, no matter our age, religion, race, creed, nationality, or gender.

You may not have a choice about aging but you do have a choice about how you approach growing older. What better way than boldly and fearlessly?

The fear of getting older is something that everyone faces at some point in their life, but what we don't realize is how much power this fear really holds over us and how it can affect every aspect of our lives if left unchecked.

The Beauty Of Aging

Aging is emancipating. It is liberating to consider that the aging journey is something to be cherished; the wisdom that comes with age; the freedom from work-related duties; the time for travel or learning new hobbies; and of course, grandchildren... the joy without the responsibility of daily parenting.

Aging eliminates most of the causes of fear that held us back throughout our lives; the fear of authority, the fear of superiors, the fear of disappointing our parents, the fear of heights, God, germs, bugs, the judgements of others, and so much more.

It takes a lot of growing up before we see our critics for who they really are; petty and shallow human beings. We come to realize they have no control over our happiness. We come to know who we truly are, and we have learned to love every aspect of our being.

The more we age the more comfortable we become in our own skin - and that's the biggest gift of aging.

Additionally, friendships get better with age. You have more memories, and the time spent together feels more precious. Remind yourself that no one is going to love you less. The relationships that matter - the ones you put work into maintaining - will continue to thrive.

By embracing aging instead of fearing it, we liberate ourselves to take full advantage of every moment we have left here on this earth.

Fear Of Illness

People worry about losing their looks, their health, and their independence. But there's no need to fear aging. It's a natural process that happens to everyone. And it can be a beautiful time of life if you're mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared for it.

Just because you're getting older doesn't mean you're going to be frail, sick, and unable to enjoy life. What's more, it's important to remember that everyone ages differently. If someone you know is experiencing bad health or declining mental abilities, that doesn't mean it'll happen to you. Everyone ages at his or her own pace, so don't compare yourself to others.

A friend of mine's grandmother celebrated her 100th birthday at the American Legion, and as she danced, photo's were taken. The next morning her picture appeared in the newspaper, dancing away. She was healthy, lived in her own home, walked every morning and died at the age of 105. She is my inspiration. Let that be your inspiration also.

Many 95-year-olds are still laughing and enjoying purposeful, meaningful lives. In fact, a New England study found that 105-year-olds tend to live independently and are cognitively intact until around age 99 or 100.

You can sit around worrying about becoming ill, but until it happens, put your cares and woes away and go out and dance the night away.

Focus On The Present

One way to age boldly and fearlessly is to live in the present moment. When you're focused on what's happening in the now, it's difficult to worry about things that haven't happened yet.

Take notice of the small details in your life and savor the good moments. This can help you appreciate your life more and make the most of the time you have.

It's also important to stay active as you age. Do things that make you feel good, like spending time with friends, pursuing a hobby, or volunteering - these can help you feel youthful and alive. Research discovered that adults who volunteered, age 60 and over, provided benefits to physical and mental health, and volunteers report better physical health than do non-volunteers. Studies have also found that those who volunteer have a lower mortality rate than those who do not.

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions you can feel. It helps change your perspectives and make you feel more optimistic about your life. Gratitude significantly lessens death anxiety due to a sense that life has been well-lived.

Take time everyday to express gratitude, and you will start to see a positive change in your life and in your attitude towards aging and death.

You'll shift your focus from fear to appreciation, and that is a very powerful thing.

Use Your Fear Of Aging As Motivation

Use your fear of aging as motivation to help you lead a healthier lifestyle. If you're afraid of illness and death, then use that fear to live a life that's as healthy as possible. Eat right, exercise, and take care of your body and mind.

Use your fear of aging as motivation to make every moment count. Let it serve as a reminder to live your life to the fullest and appreciate all that you have. Research shows that being aware of your mortality and thinking about death can enhance your physical health and help you re-prioritize your goals and values.

Aging Without Fear of Death

The main takeaway is that while aging and death are inevitable, there's no need to let this fear influence the present moment - what's important is how you live your life now.

A 2000 Study found that fear of death grows in the first half of life, by the time we hit the 61-to-87 age group, it recedes to a stable, manageable level.

Just focus on living your life with purpose and meaning, and cherishing the time you have with your loved ones. These are the things that will truly matter in the end.

Be bold! Be fearless! Grow old courageously and valiantly.


Remaining optimistic, living with purpose, being able to enjoy a good laugh, and maintaining social relationships are keys to living a long, happy life.

A key ingredient for aging boldly and fearlessly is the continuing ability to find meaning and joy in life.

Let your fear of aging go so you can enjoy it. Or, you could die sooner than you think, because worry and fear are life stealers.

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