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Why Antioxidant Rich Food Is
Important For Your Skin & Body

Written By Empress Of Pearl Powder
Sarah Anderson April 11, 2023

Sitting on a wooden tray is a black cup of coffee, a muffin, and a bowl of cereal with lots of fruit, all antioxidant rich.

Antioxidants can prevent or slow cell damage caused by free radicals. Without antioxidants, free radicals have free reign in your body, and are able to react with and damage anything they encounter, such as DNA.

Antioxidants can stop this chain reaction in its tracks. They are your body's first line of defense keeping free radicals under control, counteracting their damaging effects and removing them from your bloodstream.

Free radicals are waste substances produced naturally by cells as the body processes food and reacts to the environment. If the body cannot process and remove free radicals efficiently, oxidative stress can result. This can damage cells, causing illness and aging.

Foods rich in antioxidants can help protect your skin from sun damage, help support healthy skin renewal, and prevent free radical damage that leads to aging.

Antioxidant-rich diets protect against stroke and also help decrease artery stiffness, prevent blood clots from forming, and lower blood pressure and inflammation.

For decades research has shown that people who eat more generous amounts of antioxidant-rich food have increased protection against disease. Blueberries, pearl powder, and other foods topping the list are disease fighters from cancer, to brain health to heart health, and have many other functions.

Top Antioxidant Superfoods

Delicious Antioxidant Superfoods to support health and aging.

These foods have reached "superfood" status because of their high antioxidant content. If a you consume some or all of these foods regularly, they can defend your body against oxidative stress which can lead to things like cancer, heart disease, cognitive decline, and eye disease such as age-related macular degeneration.

Other Foods Rich In Antioxidants

Other examples of foods that are rich in antioxidants include broccoli, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, asparagus, avocados, radish, blackberries, lettuce, sweet potatoes, squash, pumpkin, apples, collard greens, cocoa, and even coffee.

It is important to incorporate antioxidants into your diet to maintain and prevent degeneration of tissue and damage to important cells in the body and to support health skin and aging.

Why Is Pearl Powder On The Top Of The List?

Pearl Powder is a complete protein and scientific studies show that the protein in pearl powder exhibited the highest antioxidant activity and can significantly prolong your life span owing to it's antioxidant activity.

Although pearl powder is not a source of antioxidants itself, it does help boost two of your body's natural antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione.

Pearl Powder also treats various age-related degenerative disease/disorders because of it's antioxidant activity. In addition, when you apply pearl powder topically to your skin, the protein antioxidant activities prevent oxidative damage to your skin cells and tissues, and helps decrease the signs of aging


The foods you eat play a role in the health of your skin and body and how it changes as you get older. In particular, foods that are high in protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants are linked to having the most health and skin benefits.

Along with eating a nutritious diet full of antioxidant rich foods, consider protecting your skin and body with other habits, such as wearing sunscreen, avoiding smoking, staying physically active, and using appropriate skin care products.

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