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Why Physical Activity
Increases Longevity

Written By Empress Of Pearl Powder
Sarah Anderson August 1, 2024

Husband and wife in the park, looking and smiling at one another while they exercise together.

It's no secret that regular activity accompanied with a well-balanced diet leads to a healthier, happier, longer life. Even a small amounts of exercise can give you a longevity boost. Our bodies were designed to be in daily activity for in activity there is preserving power.

Inactivity has been identified as the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality, therefore we ought to undertake healthful exercise which is at least 30 minutes per day, such as walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, or gardening. It should also be enjoyed for it to be maximally beneficial, for without physical exercise no one can have sound and vigorous health.

A 2022 study published in the journal Nature Medicine found that people ages 40 to 69 who engaged in short spurts of movement for just one or two minutes, three times a day, significantly reduced their risk of death from heart disease or cancer, compared with those who were not physically active at all.

Another study, in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, found that just 11 minutes a day of “moderate-to-vigorous” activity significantly lengthened the life spans of people who spend most of their day sitting.

Federal guidelines say, "For the best results, do exercises that target major muscle groups and do 8 to 12 repetitions of each."

Without Exercise The Body Declines

After you hit age 30, many basic bodily functions begin to decrease, about 1% to 2% every year.

Getting older can often make people more vulnerable to age-related conditions like Alzheimer’s, diabetes, some cancers, kidney disease and osteoporosis, because our bodies decline. These things we start noticing typically in our 50s and 60s.

Studies have found that sedentary people lose about 70% of their functional ability by age 90. Those who exercise regularly lose only 30% of their functional ability by the same age.

Physical activity can have a powerful influence over the aging process; it is the most powerful tool to counter age-related conditions and promote a healthy lifespan.

Inactivity can lead to a host of health problems and premature death.

Proper Exercise Has A Multitude Of Health Benefits

Exercise improves brain health, helps with weight management, reduces disease, strengthens bones and muscles, helps manage blood sugar and insulin levels, improves mental health, keeps your mind sharp.

Exercise lowers the risk of heart disease, strokes, strengthens the heart, and improves blood circulation. It can help with diabetes, depression, breast cancer, colon cancer, joint pain, sleep, arthritis, and can even improve your sex life.

Exercise increases blood flow towards the muscles and digestive tract, which helps food move through the digestive tract. Exercise has also been shown to relieve heartburn, gas, stomach cramps and constipation.

Exercise And Stress

Exercise has some stress-busting benefits, it acts as a stress reliever. Physical activity helps bump up the production of your endorphins by stimulating production of cortisol and Nor-epinephrine, anti-depressives of the brain that are the body's natural painkillers and mood elevators.

Physical activity helps promote mental fitness. It helps relax your body and in turn sends signals of calm and control that helps reduce mental tension.

Exercise increases your overall health, your sense of well-being, and lifts your spirits, which puts more pep in your step every day.

Exercise Will Keep The Doctor Away

Exercise helps with so many health problems that it should be part of everyone’s daily return. Exercise slows the aging process, increases energy, and prolongs life. A little exercise every single day will help to keep the doctor away. If you want to avoid health problems, exercise is definitely one of the keys to success.

We need to exercise all parts of our body that targets all muscles, but it's best to balance your workout to ensure that all body parts get appropriate attention. For example, if you are working on your abs, work your lower back at the same time. This ensures that both muscle groups, which tend to work together, get equal attention. Do the same thing with your quads and hamstrings, biceps and triceps.

However, you don’t want to overwork any muscle group because this can lead to injury and long-lasting damage.

Walking is one of the best exercises you can do to help you live a long and healthy life. No other exercise provides the same health benefits as walking does. When you take up walking daily, your health can improve dramatically. Moreover, it is simple and inexpensive.

Lack Of Exercise And The Elderly

Lack of exercise is one of the greatest causes of debility of body and feebleness of mind. Inactivity makes you prone to diseases such as Obesity, Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, and low bone density.

In the aging population, exercise has been shown to prevent disease, lower the risk of falls, improve mental health and well-being, strengthen social ties, and improve cognitive function.

For the elderly, combined physical activity is important to improve physical function and decrease the risk of falls or injury from a fall. Combined physical activity includes more than one type of physical activity, such as aerobic, muscle strengthening, and balance training.

As you age, it’s important to protect your bones, joints, and muscles for they support your body and help you move. Keeping bones, joints, and muscles healthy can help ensure that you’re able to do your daily activities and be physically active.

Exercise slows down the aging process; it gives the skin a healthful glow and also improves performance in the activities of the day.

Middle aged and older adults, including those with cardiovascular disease and cancer, can gain substantial longevity benefits by becoming more physically active, irrespective of past physical activity levels and established risk factors, including overall diet quality, body weight, blood pressure, triglycerides, and cholesterol.

Considerable population health impacts can be attained with consistent engagement in physical activity during mid to late life.

Meeting and maintaining at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity would potentially prevent 46% of deaths associated with physical inactivity. They have a 33% lower risk of all-cause mortality than those who are physically inactive.

You don’t have to do high amounts of activity or vigorous-intensity activity to reduce your risk of premature death. Benefits start to accumulate with any amount of moderate, or vigorous, physical activity.

Physical Exercise is the best thing you can do for yourself.


Regardless of your age, I hope this will motivate you to incorporate an exercise routine into your life.

Physical Activity is a blessing - grab it?

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