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Health | Beauty | Healing | Longevity

Woman eating a bowl of vegetables so she can have healthy glowing skin
What To Eat For Healthy Glowing Skin

There are many different ways for eating healthy, however certain foods are guaranteed to ...

Young lady and man singing and dancing in the kitchen, enjoying their life together.
Secrets To A Healthier Happier Life

Everyone wants to be healthy and happy. The question is, what would make you...

Burgundy Carnation, along with pearl powder, flower petals and Cosmetic bottles.
Why You Should Buy Pearl Powder Wholesale

In today's ecomony, it's difficult to stay healthy and take care of your skin the way it needs to be cared ...

Lady with a flower, Coffee and Pearl Powder to nourish yourself with.
Why You Should Nourish Yourself With Pearl Powder

Pearl Powder the unsung hero of our skin and health care journey. Pearl Powder is ...

Lady starting to put a harsh, abrasive scrub on her face,unaware that it can damage her skin.
How Abrasive Face Scrubs Can Damage Your Skin

Exfoliation plays a key part in any skin-care routine, as it eliminates dead skin cells, clears congested pores...

Grandma and granddaughter drinking tea and laughing together, because grandma knows the secret to longevity.
Secrets Of Those Who Have Tapped Into Longevity

If you want to know how people live to be 120, you will want to know their lifestyle practices. People who...

Woman sitting in front of her laptop wondering what conditions and causes can age you fast.
18 Conditions and CausesThat Can Age You Fast

Everyone ages, but premature aging is when it happens faster than it should. The...

Homemade pearl powder facial massage oil in dark bottles with a hot pink sun flower will brighten up your skin and your life.
How To Make A Pearl Powder Facial Massage Oil

Ditch expensive cosmetic counter facial oils and make your own Homemade Facial massage Oil!...

Young woman on a bridge by the ocean gathering her angry emotions together so they won't harm her health and well-being.
Why Holding Anger Is Harmful To Your Health

Anger, pain, hurt! We have all felt it, fought with it, and most of us strive to be rid of it. Unfortunately...

Woman exercising on a matt so she can prevent slips, trips, and falls as she ages.
Tips To Prevent Slips And Falls As You Age

Did you know that one in four adults over 65 encounter a fall each year? While not every fall results in ...

Elderly man and woman drinking and eating together discussing their age and how to increase their longevity.
Keys To Successful Aging And Increasing Longevity

How do we live longer, stay active and engage fully in life, mentally physically and socially as older ...

Oil in a glass gravy boat, pearl powder, a brush and pink ribbon to stop hair loss naturally.
How To Stop Hair Loss Naturally And Effectively

It is said that your hair is your "crown and glory," so if you suffer from hair loss, it can ...

Man dressed in a white shirt and black bow tie holding a heart, and woman in a red dress holding a boquet of red roses epressing their love to one another.
Love - The Most Powerful Anti Aging Remedy

"Love makes the world go round". "Love is in the air". We've all heard these popular idiomatic expressions...

A tea pot and maching tea cup with flowers and pearls, a gold spoon and a cookie sitting on an oval wood framed mirror as the hands of time turn back the clock.
16 Anti Aging Secrets To Help Turn Back The Clock

Billions of dollars are spent every year in the search for a miracle that reverses the aging...

A hot pink background, folded white towels with pink flowers on top, tea in a saucer with pink roses, and a hand holding a bottle of serum preparing to make her skin look fabulous.
How To Make Skincare Work To It's Highest Capacity

Having a good skincare routine is essential for maintaining healthy skin and a healthy glow. In order..

A canoe floating on the waters top with pink roses at the stern and pink sessile flowers floating all around, with a cloudy sky in the horizon.
How To Embrace The Beauty Of Life Even In The Ugly

Life is ever changing, there are happy time & sad times.There are peaks & valleys, twists & ...

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