Empress of pearl
Empress Of Pearl Powder Blog


Health | Beauty | Healing | Longevity

8 Tips On How To Boost Your Energy As You Age
8 Tips On How To Boost Your Energy As You Age

Oh, the boundless energy of a child. They jump and play, laugh and run, explore and bounce ...

5 Tips On How To Exfoliate Your Skin Properly
5 Tips On How To Exfoliate Your Skin Properly

Exfoliating your skin improves your skin by removing dead skin cells...

Tips For Glamorous Glowing Summer Skin
Tips For Glamorous Glowing Summer Skin

At Empress Of Pearl, we strive to help people feel beautiful and to inspire them to live their most ...

The Secret On How To Age Boldly And Fearlessly
The Secret On How To Age Boldly And Fearlessly

Growing old is denied to many, but for those who have made it though those hard, painstaking ...

5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Skincare Routine
5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Skincare Routine

Spring is here! 'Tis the season to spring clean everything and we mean everything; your home and your....

How Mortality Is Linked To Physical Activity
How Mortality Is Linked To Physical Activity

Inactivity is one of the leading risk for mortality and death, along with cardiovascular diseases, cancer....

The Secret To Wellness And Longevity
The Secret To Wellness And Longevity

Since at least 3500 B.C (before Christ), people have been looking for ways to reverse aging and prolong....

How Attitude Determines Our Success Or Failure
How Attitude Determines Our Success Or Failure

Everyone wants to be a huge success in life, and I am sure you do too. Who wouldn't. The question is, how....

Can You Use Hyaluronic Acid On Your Hair
Can You Use Hyaluronic Acid On Your Hair?

The hype about hyaluronic acid for your hair is Real. Actually, it's a supreme hydrating ingredient that...

Why You Need High Powered Work Out Smoothies
Why You Need High Powered Work Out Smoothies

Whether you have a serious workout routine or are just starting out, one of the most important (and fun!)....

Why Your Spa Should Sell Pearl Powder And Use It On Your Customers
Why Your Spa Should Use & Sell Pearl Powder

Generating sales in your spa can be a bit difficult. Many who are new to the industry presume that in...

Is Dark Chocolate Really Good For You?
Is Dark Chocolate Really Good For You?

Chocolate is a wonderful treat, intensely comforting, creamy and deliciously Indulgent. But, is it really....

How To Treat Dry Skin On Your Face
How To Treat Dry Skin On Your Face

Do your hands look likThis topic is the most discussed question among those who struggle with dry skin and ...

The Truth About Aging And The Vanity Of It All
The Truth About Aging And The Vanity Of It All

This morning, drinking coffee in my sitting room, enjoying the new day, and thinking about my age at ...

How To Soften Dry Cracked Skin On your Feet
How To Soften Dry Cracked Skin On your Feet

Nothing can be more aggravating than having dry cracked feet. If left untreated it not only becomes...

The Superpower Of Pearl's Anti Cancer & Longevity Agents
The Power Of Pearl's Anti Cancer & Longevity Agents

Pearl Powder has been known to treat various sickness and disease for millenniums. Pearl has been a highly....

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